What's a meta-link structure? A meta-link structure is any location online that's accessible over the network. These can be websites, data formats like CSV, JSON, or XML, or even custom defined formats. Usually, when we provide meta-link structures, we provide them utilizing something called EntityScript™
Let's start with links. CORE.HOST™ maintains an ever changing list of links. If the brand is well known enough, or a public entity, it will get a designated link. You can query the link directly.
Getting deeper into links, we also have top links. These change from day-to-day and are meant to be a type of ranking. They're represented by just 1 letter, such as a, b, or z. A top link can be queried using the : operator and are meant to be displayed on the front page of the site. A top link can also have a designated link.
To cap off links, we also have Meta-link Structures. These are more complex and can take on a variety of forms. Each of these forms is in a record-relationship and is currently "online", or "offline"
The records contains a header, and an entry to someone named Klint Eastwooder
These links are stored in a default location /c/, which stands for "container". Every container holds a record. Each Record has a key, and every key has related meta-data that tells everyone what the record is. All records can be queried.
Vanity links are available, but in general - they're discouraged in favor of unique meta-vanity links. Vanity links are meant to represent you locally, and by your peer-address. Meaning XX.XXX.XXX/@john will be available on multiple IP addresses. CORE.HOST™ also keeps an authoritative vanity directly. An example of that type of vanity link would be:
https://www.core.host/@ryanmckenna is a authoritative vanity link example because it is located on CORE.HOST™If we expand upon the concept of records and links, we also have entities. Entities are known by the common-name entity. A entity is meant to be ready-for-use. As in, they should have some purpose. What purpose? Purposes are community defined and their are "labeled purposes" that provide components to real-time task happening within a networked computer system or localhost. An entity also contains records, and each record is generated dynamically using a block-publishing concept that can be found in blocks.